No organization created by Kindred has been as influential as the Camarilla. Ostensibly founded to preserve the Masquerade, the so-called “Ivory Tower” is a conspiracy to preserve the power of the elders, a local governing body , and a many city-wide webs of influence that have infiltrated most sectors of a given city’s mortal society. A Camarilla Court’s pawns move in the halls of power, influencing the course of political and financial history through blackmail, bribery, and clever lies. Led by the elite and what are considered “the pillar clans” – currently the Toreador, Ventrue, Malkavian, Tremere, and Nosferatu, along with the recently-accepted Banu Haqim – a Camarilla domain’s feudal society resembles an aristocracy dedicated to growing and preserving vampiric power.
Camarilla members are expected to preserve their Humanity to the best of their ability; doing so both supports the Masquerade and maintains their moral superiority to the mortals they aim to puppet. Power, wealth, and relative safety, away from the dangers of the streets, has led to Camarilla members often being older, richer, and more insulated than their rebellious counterparts in the Anarch Movement. Camarilla members often gather at safe havens known as Elysium, where no violence is permitted.
Camarilla vampires do not typically believe Caine is anything but a myth. Mortal faiths still hold sway among some Kindred seeking meaning. Other Kindred pursue the lessons of their forefathers, worshiping their Clan’s ancestors as saintly examples to be followed. Religious practices are widespread and accepted in the Ivory Tower in modern times.
Globally, all Camarilla domains have six main laws, known as the Traditions. These Traditions are interpreted and applied differently from domain to domain. However, every released Camarilla Kindred knows them and that there is no excuse for breaking them.
The First Tradition: Masquerade
Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.
The First Tradition is the only one that is universally respected among vampires. In short, it is illegal to reveal the existence of vampires to mortals. While young vampires might feel compelled to share their nature to their dearest friends, or a feeding might go awry, there is no excuse for leaving a loose end untied when it comes to the Masquerade.
Even the Anarch Movement takes the Masquerade seriously. Most Kindred know or have heard stories of someone who was executed by a Prince for trifling with the line. While the mortal masses may not take a story about a vampire attack seriously, vampire hunter organizations are ever vigilant in the modern age of surveillance.
The Second Tradition: Domain
Thy domain is thine own concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.
From the Second Tradition, the feudal system of the Camarilla is derived. A Prince’s Domain is theirs absolutely, with loyal servants permitted to rule over certain districts on the Prince’s behalf. Liege lords control territory, which is parceled out to vassals in a modern adaptation of medieval hierarchy.
The Prince’s right to set down local law arises from this Tradition. Referred to as Courtesies, a local ruler may make decrees around all manner of issues that may arise on a night-to-night basis. Wise Kindred make certain that they know what laws apply in a Domain and who has claims to territories in the city. Doing so is essential to successfully navigating the night in a Camarilla Court.
The Third Tradition: Progeny
Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine elder. If thou createst another without thine Elder’s leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.
Vampires require blood to live, and the more vampires that exist in a territory, the greater the strain on local resources. This can threaten the Masquerade. To prevent overpopulation, a vampire who wishes to make a childe must ask the Prince’s permission to do so first. This honor is both rare and precious. After all, what vampire would not desire a companion in the eternal night?
For most of modern history, approximately one vampire existed per 100,000 mortals. The ongoing Second Inquisition has emptied some cities by the sword. For example, London’s vampire population was destroyed en masse after their recent crackdown. Other cities have overpopulation issues, as far too many young vampires and thin-bloods are created through wanton Embrace practices. Afraid of being the hunter’s next target, most Camarilla domains manage their population through crackdowns against poachers and strict application of the Third Tradition.
The Fourth Tradition: Accounting
Those thou create are thine own children. Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things. Their sins are thine to endure.
A sire is expected to teach their childer how to be a vampire and a future member of the Camarilla. This process is known as the Accounting, and typically it lasts several years. From learning how to feed safely to mastering the Traditions and Camarilla etiquette, there is much to study and little tolerance for failure. After all, the sins of the childe are the sins of the sire. No small number of sires have Embraced a new childe, then found themselves and their wayward descendant staked in the sun for the childe’s crime. Therefore, it is not unheard of for a sire to change their mind about a wayward childe, discharging them to the Anarchs or even killing them off, lest they bring scandal to the sire through their actions.
Becoming a member of the Camarilla is challenging, even if one’s sire is a member. If a childe does not master the skills necessary to become one of the elite few, they will not be admitted. When a childe is ready to progress past the Accounting, they will seek Acknowledgement from the Prince of the city with the approval of their sire. Whether the Prince grants it is entirely up to them.
The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality
Honor one another’s domain. When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there. Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.
The Tradition of Hospitality requires a newcomer to present themselves to the Prince for Acknowledgement. Of course, it can be rather difficult for the Prince to keep track of everyone who is in their city. Some are lax about enforcing this law, but others are viciously draconian, tasking their Sheriffs to appoint deputies whose job is to find and capture interlopers. Such an intruder might find themselves deemed a poacher at best, assuming they have fed at least once. Others are executed as spies.
To hold Status in a Camarilla Domain, a vampire must be Acknowledged or Accepted.
The Sixth Tradition: Destruction
Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.
Normally, the destruction of another Kindred is seen as a grave sin in Camarilla society. A Prince, however, can grant the right to destroy any vampire in the city they hold Authority in. Additionally, in Camarilla law, a sire always has the right to destroy their own childe.
When a Prince wishes to make a public spectacle of a vampire’s destruction, she invokes a Blood Hunt. Those who are subject to a Blood Hunt are viciously chased down and killed by their fellows. Even thin-bloods, Anarchs, and independent Kindred are invited to pursue the Hunted. Anything goes in the Blood Hunt. Even the diablerie of the Hunted is permitted.
Helping carry out a Blood Hunt is an excellent way for a non-Camarilla member to attract positive attention if they seek membership. Accordingly, Anarchs who help in a Blood Hunt are frowned upon by their Anarch peers.
The Camarilla Court
Part of the power of a Camarilla domain is its structure and presentation. The Ivory Tower’s hierarchies have been forged in tradition developed over centuries. In the view of most Camarilla vampires, feudalism is the finest method of enforcing the stability of their society. The Court is the basis of their culture and is a source of strength.
The Prince
The supreme ruler of a Domain, the Prince represents their city for good or for ill. They are responsible for the enforcement of the Traditions, creating laws and judging lawbreakers, governing their Domain and its territories, holding Court to meet with visitors, hearing petitions, and Acknowledging Kindred in their Domain.
To claim Praxis is a statement of sheer will and commitment, for once a vampire takes on the mantle of Prince, they are declaring that they are the strongest predator in the Domain. How a Camarilla vampire gains enough strength to claim Praxis is up to them. Some Princes are mighty warriors who have gained their role through military might, cutting down those who would challenge their rule. Others are adept socialites and politicians who have garnered support through charm and guile, or cunning masters of the economy who have used their skills to use prestation to guarantee support. What matters is that their Domain accepts the Prince as their ruler.
A vampire becomes the Prince when they can stand before their Domain and declare themselves Prince without any challenger standing up to contest them. A Prince maintains all her power, even when challenged. Resolving a challenge to a Prince’s praxis is not cut and dry. It could end with the sitting Prince or challenger being killed (publicly or secretly). It could end with the challenger being pressured to retract his challenge. In any circumstance where bloodshed is avoided you can be sure City Status and prestation are sure to change. A Prince who is feeling unsafe and who wishes to leave their praxis before being murdered might accept prestation to leave peacefully.
Authority of the Prince
● As the Authority in a Camarilla city, the Prince decides if a Camarilla-loyal vampire is Acknowledged or a non-Camarilla vampire is Accepted in their domain. Granting such awards the vampire one dot of City Status and the appropriate Moniker. The Prince may remove this Moniker at will. If the Moniker is removed, the individual’s City Status is reduced to zero and must be regained normally.
● The Prince may create and enforce laws known as Courtesies within their territory, as well as define how violations of the Traditions and Courtesies are judged and punished. ● The Prince may award and rescind feeding territory rights.
● The Prince may call a Blood Hunt, ordering the local population to hunt and destroy an enemy of the territory.
● The Prince may exile a vampire from their territory.
● The Prince appoints officers (as stated below).
● The Prince may raise a location to the status of Elysium at their discretion. ● The Prince may also declare that a location is no longer Elysium. A Prince who abuses this power as a means of setting up rivals to be attacked is certain to face the scorn of their subjects and peers–or worse.
● The Prince may raise or lower the Status of an Acknowledged Camarilla member or an Accepted non-Camarilla vampire by one. A character may only have their Status increased or decreased by the Prince once every six months in this way. The Prince may not raise the Status of another character above her own Status. A Prince who raises a Kindred’s Status decides what Moniker they receive.
The Seneschal
The right hand of the Prince, the Seneschal’s role is a complex one. After all, most Kindred see a Seneschal as someone who seeks to be Prince themselves one night. However, a good Seneschal can make the difference between a well-run Domain and one in chaos. It is a role in which skilled advisors and administrators thrive. Their duty is to assist and advise the Prince in their many duties.
The Seneschal is appointed by the Prince. They do not have hard authority of their own. However, a wise Prince will hear the words of their Seneschal and reward or punish those their Seneschal recommends. A Prince may abdicate some or all of her power to the Seneschal should she wish. Some Princes have abdicated complete responsibility of their Domain for years at a time. When a Seneschal is acting on the behalf of the Prince for an extended period, they are often referred to as the Domain Steward.
There are times when a Prince wishes to enter torpor, leaving Domain responsibilities in the hands of their Seneschal. Feared and powerful Princes have no qualms doing this, trusting that, when they arise, the Domain will be theirs again. Rarely does a Prince appoint a Seneschal they fear usurping their power from them. However, leaving the Domain in the hands of a weak Seneschal risks the Prince returning to someone else sitting on their throne.
The Primogen Council
The Primogen Council represents the interests of the most powerful factions in a city and advises the Prince on matters of rulership. Often, prominent clans in the domain are represented by a Primogen of rank and prestige among their number, while political or religious factions provide appointed representatives or even their leaders. However, modern nights have led to younger Courts experimenting with new models. Some Primogen Councils have been limited by their Prince’s Courtesies to three or five members, forcing an odd number so that votes pass more easily. Some have passed Courtesies to only allow clans with a certain number of vampires in the city to have a Primogen or political factions containing members with a certain amount of Status. Other domains have implemented the rule that Primogen must be under a century old, ostensibly because representatives should be more in touch with modern society and the priorities of the young.
The Primogen Council serves as advisors to the Prince, but the relationship between Prince and their council is complex. Each Primogen speaks on behalf of their faction, so Princes may find themselves obliged to meet with the Council before they make a major decision for the welfare of the Domain. They may ignore the advice they get, but they do so at their own peril: after all, Princes can be replaced.
In a traditional Primogen Council of faction representatives, local members of the faction determine who their Primogen is and the Prince confirms their appointment to the Council. However, a Prince’s Courtesies may determine how Primogen are selected.
Authority of the Primogen
● The Primogen Council selects the Herald by majority vote.
● An individual Primogen may appoint a Whip. A Whip is a second in command who gathers the opinions of the members of the Primogen’s faction. They serve as enforcers and advisors to Primogen. A Prince may pass a Courtesy to allow them to vote on behalf of their faction at a Primogen Council meeting when their Primogen is not present.
The Sheriff
The Sheriff’s role is to ensure the Traditions and the Prince’s laws are obeyed. They hunt down violators and deliver punishment. In the case of minor violations or enemies of the Court, the Sheriff is typically empowered to act as judge and executioner. Major offenses are brought before the Prince for judgment.
To accomplish their tasks effectively, the Sheriff must be a superb investigator and hunter. Tactical skill and ruthlessness is highly useful, as the Masquerade has never been under greater threat than now due to the vicious efficiency of FIRSTLIGHT and the recklessness of the Anarch Movement. Sheriffs cannot be afraid to strike against those who would undermine the sect from within. Camarilla society depends on their will to act.
The Sheriff is appointed by the Prince.
Authority of the Sheriff
● The Sheriff is authorized to prosecute offenses in their Domain, delivering non-lethal punishment for broken laws at their discretion.
● Once per game (and per crime) the Sheriff may lower the Status of an Acknowledged Camarilla Kindred or Accepted non-Camarilla Kindred, except the Prince, by one to a minimum of one. They must conclude that the Kindred has broken a Tradition, Courtesy or decree of the Prince.
● The Sheriff is authorized to destroy any vampire within their Domain who is not Acknowledged or Accepted in the Domain.
● The Sheriff may appoint Deputy Sheriffs to assist them in carrying out their duties.
The Herald
Also known as a Harpy or the Voice of the Court, the Herald proclaims decrees to Kindred subjects, carries messages to and from other rulers, and manages prestation in the Domain. The management of prestation is an essential part of the job, with a good Herald creating a culture where Kindred can resolve disputes non-violently through the trading of favors and gains.
The Herald is appointed by a majority vote of the Primogen Council.
Authority of the Herald
● The Herald arbitrates disputes over boons in their territory.
● The Herald may determine that a boon has been appropriately satisfied.
● When the Herald determines that a Kindred from their territory has broken a boon, they may declare that individual a Boonbreaker. If the vampire has Status greater than one, it is reduced to one. The vampire may not gain Status until the broken boon has been satisfied or six months have passed.
● The Herald may raise or lower the Status of an Acknowledged Camarilla member or an Accepted non-Camarilla vampire by one. A character may only have their Status increased or decreased by the Herald once every six months in this way. The Herald may not raise the Status of another character above her own Status or lower their Status below one. A Herald who raises a Kindred’s Status decides what Moniker they receive.
● The Herald may appoint an assistant to aid them in their tasks. An assistant appointed to maintain the records of prestation is known as a Chancellor.
The Keeper of Elysium
Elysium is considered a place of peace, diplomacy, and socialization. Facilitating this is the role of the Keeper of Elysium, an officer appointed by the Prince, who is tasked with hosting ceremonies and social gatherings and maintaining a peaceful sanctuary without violence.
In any Camarilla Elysium, the Keeper will welcome inside only those who are allowed in the city by command of the Prince. On rare occasions, events may be held where Anarch allies of Camarilla members may attend as their guests. Otherwise, they are unwelcome.
Authority of the Keeper of Elysium
● The Keeper of Elysium may set policies and norms for what behavior and conduct is permissible in Elysium. They may remove offenders who violate the rules. These orders may be overridden by the Prince, but a Keeper who finds themselves being overridden often finds themselves losing their job.
● If the Keeper determines that a vampire has violated an Elysium policy, they may reduce their Status by one per policy violation.
● The Keeper may banish a Kindred who violates the main rule of Elysium – no violence – from the city’s Elysia and lower their Status to one. That Kindred may not gain Status beyond one until the Keeper or Prince is satisfied with reparations made or six months have passed.
Elysium once meant something grand and arcane in the distant past. Some elders even said it was deemed to be a location so sacred that, if it were violated, it would be burned to the ground and the earth would be salted. Those nights are long past.
In current nights, Elysium simply means a safe place for vampires to gather without fear of harm. A Prince who hosts Elysium is implicitly demonstrating power by showing the vampire world that they can compel compliance with vampiric society under their rule. Weaker Princes, or those who are uncertain of their ability to guarantee safety, are less inclined to host Elysium for fear of its violation.
Part social club and part neutral ground, what constitutes Elysium changes from domain to domain. In some Camarilla domains, Elysium may be a location of grand historical importance, like the Louvre in Paris. In others, it may be the darkened rooms behind an upscale fetish club or an unused bunker. Elysium moves as needed so that its users can remain safe. While it is not impossible for an Anarch domain to say that something is “Elysium,” they do not have the entrenched culture of running these places that the Camarilla has. Anarch domains do not have a set officer tasked with guarding their Elysia.
The only hard rule of Elysium is that physical violence is not permitted. The Prince or Keeper of Elysium may have other rules, but those vary from domain to domain. |
The Principal of Faith
The dark times of recent nights have led to Kindred turning to faith for comfort and guidance. The Principal of Faith is an ancient role that has recently returned in some domains. Their role is to advise the Court on matters of the soul. Some Principals of Faith use their role as a platform to push an agenda of Humanity or represent a broad number of believers to the Prince. Others take it as a blank check to root out heresy against the sect’s doctrine in the guise of faith. Others still use it as a thinly-veiled way to recruit for the vampiric cults and Kindred faiths of their choice.
The power of the Principal of Faith varies from domain to domain. In some domains, they have power over local rituals that matter to few. In other domains, the Principal may be able to override the Prince on matters of faith, with the Prince consulting them on interpretations of the Traditions.
The difference between the two is their level of support. An unsupported Principal of Faith has little power. A popular preacher with many Kindred followers can form a popular movement that any wise Prince would consider carefully if they wish to maintain their Praxis.
The Principal of Faith is appointed by the Prince. They have no specific authority mechanics.