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The Autarkis 

1 min read

Even in cities dominated by the major sects, many Kindred exist who are part of neither. Known as unbound, or, in more ancient lingo, autarkis, they live on the fringes. Most are hiding from the watchful eye of the Camarilla or the revolution of the Anarch Movement. Others stand tall among the Hecata, members of the Clan of Death who hold themselves apart from the sects. Some (far fewer since the Beckoning) are so old and powerful that the sects are fads. Others are so young that they are hiding in their old lives, trying to make it work. 

The Unbound are outside of normal Kindred society, but that does not mean that they do not form a sort of society of their own. In some Domains, there are Kindred who focus their efforts on protecting their lineages, ethnic communities, or religious interests. Not every Domain is held by the Camarilla or the Anarch Movement. Some domains are controlled by a clan, a conspiracy, a wicked cult, or even by no one at all. Like mortals, vampires tend to organize. Order finds a way, and the concepts espoused in the Camarilla’s Traditions came as customs long before the Ivory Tower was built. 

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