“Now that we have the Sabbat on their heels, we need to show these Anarchs that the Camarilla is not the best option. It’s the only option!”
– Devan Owen
Few vampires feel as safe on the dangerous streets of their city as those who have mastered the Discipline of Fortitude. One of the most universally-coveted Disciplines, Fortitude protects against not just physical assaults, but assaults on the mind and the Blood. In a violent and dangerous world, Fortitude is a necessary tool to approach a semblance of immortality.
Type: Physical
Masquerade Threat: Medium to High. Special effects (when caught on camera), surges of adrenaline, and the unreliability of eyewitness accounts can all help to explain away surviving a hail of bullets or an alleyway beat down. Depending on the severity of the attack, walking away from it seemingly unharmed is a huge risk to the Masquerade.
Blood Resonance: Melancholic. Extreme athletes, marathon runners, military special forces, veterans of war, and S&M enthusiasts are all sources of Melancholic Blood Resonance.