Compulsions can occur after a messy critical or bestial failure, as the Beast drives them to actions compelled by their Blood. Subtle and insidious, the urges caused by Compulsions feel entirely natural. The vampire may not even realize they were influenced by the Beast. In this way, even the most pious of vampires can find themselves driven to wickedness.
When a character must take a Compulsion, the Storyteller selects one that is appropriate for the scene. If the Storyteller cannot decide or is not nearby, the default should be Hunger. Once the Compulsion is selected, the player decides how to act it out in a way that is consistent with their character. Players who go above and beyond in roleplaying their Compulsion can be rewarded by the Storyteller through restoring a Willpower point. Unlike a Frenzy, Compulsions cannot be ignored if players spend Willpower.
All vampires may be driven to the following Compulsions:
● Hunger: The vampire’s thoughts go toward the rush of slaking their Hunger, doing anything they must to feed, whether that is violence, lying, stealing, or begging. Any action not immediately conducive to feeding suffers a -2 penalty. This Compulsion ends when the vampire Slakes at least one Hunger level.
● Dominance: Command. Control. Win. The vampire makes their next interaction into a competition, doing everything they can to win and rub their opponent’s face in their loss. Any action that is not directly aimed at establishing dominance or challenging authority suffers a -2 penalty. This Compulsion ends when the vampire has “won” and gloated about it.
● Harm: The Hunger drives the vampire to hurt and destroy for the sole sake of causing pain. This Compulsion often, but not always, means physical harm. It can also include social and emotional damage. All actions not immediately resulting in someone or something getting harmed are performed at a -2 penalty. This Compulsion ends when the vampire destroys, drives off, or incapacitates a target. If the vampire’s wrath is aimed at an object, that object must be of significant value to someone the vampire usually cares about (including themselves).
● Paranoia: While vampires are usually cautious, this Compulsion drives their usual fear and suspicion into overdrive. The vampire will disengage from any perceived threat, suspecting anyone and anything. Any action not taken toward disengaging is performed at a -2 Penalty. The Compulsion ends after 30 minutes.
● Clan Compulsions: Each vampire clan has a Compulsion specific to their experience of the Blood, as described in Chapter 2.