“There’s one thing that unites us all. No matter the age, the sect, or the clan, there will always be the Blood. Listen to its song, learn its intricacies and you will call forth the unimaginable.”
– Unknown
The practice of Blood Sorcery allows the vampire to twist her own Blood and the blood of others into submission. Without Blood Sorcery the Blood inside a vampire is merely the fuel to keep them going. With Blood Sorcery, it can become a weapon to be wielded or, when focused on another creature, a weakness to be exploited.
Purchasing Blood Sorcery unlocks the ability to purchase and perform Rituals up to and including the level the user possesses in Blood Sorcery. At character creation, if a player possesses at least one dot in Blood Sorcery after assigning her initial Discipline levels, she receives a level-one Ritual for free. Characters can then purchase new Rituals at the cost of the Ritual’s level x 3 XP. The only limitations to how many Rituals a character may possess are her XP and the time necessary to learn them. Learning a new Blood Sorcery Ritual requires one downtime to research and study. For more detailed information, see Rituals, page XXX.
Type: Mental (except Scorpion’s Touch and Baal’s Caress, which are Physical)
Masquerade Threat: Low to High. Blood Sorcery can be extremely subtle or obviously Masquerade breaching. The powers with a visual aspect shatter the Masquerade, as you cannot really explain blood floating through the air or concrete dissolving with a touch. Other Blood Sorcery powers have no effect or can be explained by personality peculiarities, such as talking to inanimate objects.
Blood Resonance: Sanguine. Imaginative and fanciful mortals, such as cultists, occultists, conspiracy theorists, and even aroused partygoers often have Sanguine Resonance.