This Ceremony allows the necromancer to Slake Hunger when other vampires nearby gain Stains.
Ingredients: The destroyed and burnt remnants of an obvious religious item. This could be a bible (or other religious text), a priest’s collar (or other religious clothing), or a box of communion wafers.
Process: The necromancer mixes ash from the burnt item and his Blood, then consumes it while speaking a prayer appropriate to the character’s religious beliefs. (Non-religious characters meditate in silence.) Consuming the mixture of ash and Blood does not Slake any Hunger.
System: For the remainder of the night, whenever another character gains a Stain within your line of sight, you may Slake one Hunger (to your lowest maximum Hunger based on your Blood Potency, and never below 1). You must then make a Resolve + Oblivion challenge vs. a difficulty of 4+ the number of Stains you have. If you fail this challenge, you also gain one Stain.
Duration: One night