This Ceremony allows the Oblivion user to control and dominate a wraith.
Ingredients: An unbroken mirror. The necromancer must be able to see (even through a power such as Oblivion Sight) and be able to gain the target wraith’s Gaze and Focus.
Process: The necromancer must show the target wraith their reflection by obtaining the wraith’s Gaze and Focus. Having been summoned by the necromancer using the Summon Spirit Ceremony counts as having gained Gaze and Focus. Finally, she must cast (throw) one Rouse check worth of her Blood at the wraith.
System: Once the casting has been completed, the necromancer must make a Manipulation + Intimidation challenge vs. the wraith’s Resolve + Composure. If successful, the necromancer can speak a simple set of instructions for a number of tasks equal to the necromancer’s dots in the Oblivion Discipline. The wraith will immediately attempt to carry out the instructions until the activity is reasonably complete or for one hour, whichever comes first. At the end of the hour or when the task is completed, the wraith will return to the necromancer. The necromancer must then win another challenge or the wraith is free to leave of its own accord. If the necromancer wins the subsequent challenge, the wraith is compelled to continue any unfinished tasks or partake in any new ones. A wraith under the effects of Compel Spirit can only ever have a number of tasks equal to his masters’ dots in Oblivion in place at once. Unlike uses of Dominate, the effects of this Ceremony do not end if the wraith is damaged whilst carrying out her instructions.
Duration: One hour or until complete or extended