This Ceremony summons the closest spirit or a specific spirit if the Oblivion user has one of its fetters.
Ingredients: A broken mirror, rotting or dead wood, and ash from an extinguished fire.
Process: Grinding the mirror to dust and mixing it with her Blood, the necromancer pours the paste over the pile of wood. Then the ash is slowly sprinkled over the wood, causing a blue flame to slowly rise like an unnatural campfire. This flame is not truly corporeal and will not cause damage or Frenzy. In the Underworld nearby, wraiths can see this flame and are attracted to it. If a fetter is placed in the fire, the wraith it belongs to must travel to you.
System: Summon Spirit can be used to summon a specific wraith if you possess one of its Fetters. Alternatively, you can summon the closest uncontrolled wraith. The wraith normally arrives over the course of the Ceremony’s casting time, so long as she is capable of reaching your location. Wraiths can pass through walls, but they cannot fly, nor can they cross barriers enchanted against their passage. Unless they materialize, wraiths are invisible to individuals who do not have the Medium Merit, Oblivion Sight, or other such powers. Unlike normal wraiths, wraiths summoned with this power materialize in the real world for 15 minutes, and will do so when they arrive to your summons.
Wraiths summoned by this power are created by the Storyteller if important to the story. If not, they are Simple Antagonists (difficulty 4). They are under no obligation to obey you, but they will generally stay and speak to you for at least 15 minutes unless attacked or intimidated. Summon Spirit does not work if used in the Underworld.
Duration: Fifteen minutes