Once you’ve learned how to alter your own body; it’s a simple progression to altering someone else’s, so long as you and they are willing to pay the price. Against the unwilling, it can be a useful tool to cripple your foes.
Amalgam: Dominate 2
Prerequisite: Vicissitude
Cost: One Rouse check
System: Once purchased, you may now use Vicissitude on other characters. Unwilling targets must be restrained or have the Helpless Condition during the entire process. The use of Vicissitude on an unwilling victim causes one Stain. Fleshcrafting another character requires physical contact.
Making such alterations requires concentration and time; you must spend at least 10 minutes of relatively focused effort on making such alterations. These alterations are permanent until reverted through another use of Vicissitude, or they may be healed with each change healing at the same rate as one Aggravated Damage.
Duration: Until healed